Dear members,
We’re finally here!
By the end of March, if all goes well (lately we’ve had many unforeseeable hiccups), elections or colliding asteroids notwithstanding, we’re going to finally have our 500 copies of the SNaFor manual (i.e. of the canyoning school of the CNSAS, the National Rescue Alpine and Caving Corps).
Here a preview of the cover (clicking the image you can see magnified).
Short recap:
the SNaFor is the association that sets the guidelines for the canyoning rescuing techniques, that forms the canyoning rescuers of CNSAS, and that has just completed THE BIBLE of canyoning techniques (rescuing and standard), in “merely” 900 (!!) pages or so.
The standard canyoning techniques match exactly these taught by our SNC (Canyoning National School).
No doubt this manual will play a key role in the dissemination of the state of the art of canyoning techniques; that’s why the AIC believed in this project and invested in it, by using the funds raised in memory of Maurizio Biondi (former SNC director as well as member of SNaFor and hence contributor to the making of this manual).
Following the agreement with CNSAS, the AIC will buy 500 copies of the manual (at €20 each, for a total of €10,000, of which about €7,000 come from members donations, including the generous contribution of Romy, and the reminder comes from the AIC itself).
The AIC objective is to promote the canyoning activity, where safety is a primary concern; hence, €20 is the cost of each manual and €20 will be the selling price to AIC members: we don’t try to make a profit.
There will be a limited number of extra copies, beside these given to the rescuers and these 500 purchased by the AIC itself, and their selling price will be set to €50.
As written in the editorial of the 29th newsletter “canYoning”, the chance to have it and to pay it only €20 is the advantage of being member of a national association (the largest canyoning group in Italy and therefore capable of reaching results impossible to the single individual).
We will start selling the manuals online on the AIC website as soon as the books will be physically available; for the reasons aforementioned, every AIC members will be able to buy a single copy of the manual, following the instructions found on the website.
Happy canyoning to all!
Categoria: notizie AIC