INTERNATIONAL CANYONING MEETING by AIC 03 - 11 August 2019 | Chatillon

This year the choice of location takes us to the Aosta Valley, indeed it takes us back to Aosta Valley, where we had already been in 2011 and, shortly, in 2015.
Despite this and although the mountains of the Valle d'Aosta are the most famous and visited of all the Italian Alps, the valley still has to be fully discovered when talking about canyoning. Yet it offers many routes and canyons, some almost forgotten and others recently discovered.
The Meeting will take place under the patronage of the Municipality of Chatillon, whom we thank for the logistical support, and for the first time also of the Italian Alpine Club. This is an important and significant novelty for the AIC meetings which, once again, underlines the common interest in canyoning and a shared course of action.
The period is the typical one at the beginning of August, the base as mentioned will be at the town of Chatillon, at the entrance to the Valtournenche.
We are waiting for you, but if you are late you will find us inside some canyon!
Chatillon, 2019
Where and when

The event will take place from Saturday 3rd to Sunday 11th August 2019 and we will be guests of the Municipality of Chatillon, in the Aosta Valley, along the central valley of the Dora Baltea, right at the entrance to the Valtournenche. Strategic location for logistics and to reach the local canyons.
To Google Maps Chatillon follow this link: map of Chatillon
The base camp of the meeting will be at the municipal area in Perolle; further on you will find the detailed map and all the logistic info.

The tradition of price brackets is confirmed, to encourage those who first register and economically facilitate the organization of the event.
The important novelty this year is the introduction of lower registration fees for AIC members.
- First bracket: until 23/06/2019
- AIC members: 25 €
- canyoners: 35 €
- non canyoners: 16 €
- Second bracket: from 24/06/2019 till 14/07/2019
- AIC members: 30 €
- canyoners: 42 €
- non canyoners: 16 €
- Third bracket: from 15/07/2019 onward and at the Meeting
- AIC members: 35 €
- canyoners: 50 €
- non canyoners: 16 €
Online registrations will close on 07/28/2019, after which you will have to register directly in Chatillon.
The registration fee includes:
- Free access to the meeting areas
- Place for tents or vans/campers (no service) in the designated areas
- Guide book to the canyons of the area
- Dedicated t-shirt of the event
- Surprise technical gadget
For “non canyoners”, people who do not practice canyoning, the fee only includes the access to the meeting areas and facilities.
Registration procedure

From this year the modalities of registration to the meeting and the relative fees are diversified, depending on the membership to the AIC.
The online form can be found at this link:
Registration to the AIC Meeting 2019
Attention! Online registrations are open until 28/07/2019.
After this date it will be possible to register only at the meeting, from 03/08/2019 (applying the fees relative to the third period).
We remind you that the registration is automatically accepted with the submission of the form and that the payment guarantees the reservation of free materials.
For payment indicate as reason: AIC Meeting 2019
Calendar of the events

The calendar of events is being defined and will be announced as soon as possible

The base camp is located in Perolle, locality of the Municipality of Chatillon.
Below an image of the area of the Meeting (click on the image to enlarge it).

Road directions
Coming from Milan/Turin/Genoa
Driving along the A5 motorway towards Aosta, exit at Chatillon-St. Vincent. After the toll booth, at the stop sign turn right and immediately right again, towards Les Perolles. Leave the car in the large parking area and continue keeping to the right, until the meeting area.
Coming from France
On the A5 motorway, go past Aosta and exit at Chatillon-St. Vincent. After the toll booth, at the stop sign turn right and immediately right again, towards Les Perolles. Leave the car in the large parking area and continue keeping to the right, until the meeting area.
The area will host the tents camp, camper area, reception facilities and toilets; it will be available from 9.00 on Saturday 3rd until 12.00 on Sunday 11th August.
Inside the structure there will be the meeting office, an exhibition space and the common area that will be used as canteen, space for conferences and meeting place.
Parking areas for cars, campers and vans will be available near the camping area.
The meeting office opening hours will be: 7.00-9.15, 17.00-19.30.
The canyons

The aforementioned list is under development and provisional, as some of the listed canyons may be subject to restrictions, floods or alterations such as to make them inaccessible.
We encourage all the participants to check the updated list of canyons communicated by the staff directly at the event.
Aosta Valley
- Chalamy
- Gettaz
- Chasten
- Bouro
- Pacoulla
- Borettaz
- Brenve
- Brion
- Nissod
- Prouve
- Comboè
- Arpisson
- Licony-Colomba
- Clavalitè
The canyons on the web


Inside the area, technical equipment stands will be open every day from 5.30pm to 7.30pm, except Sunday 11th.
Technical course by SNC

During the Meeting, a course of “White Water Techniques” will be held by David Alemanni of 'RiverRescue'. The course will be held on 3 and 4 August, the number of partecipants is 12.
The cost is € 150 per person and payment will be made upon registration on site. It is possible to book through Doodle at this link:
Contacts and info

For any information concerning the gathering, both for canyoners and exhibitors, contact:
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Meeting Office telephone number: +39 333 9952328