16 April 2018
Last Updated on 01 August 2018
Luca Dallari
Published on 30 May 2018
Hits: 7835
CANYONING INTERNATIONAL MEETING BY AIC August 04 - 12, 2018 | Domodossola
According to what is now becoming a tradition, the AIC International Meeting returns to Val d'Ossola, one of the areas in Italy with the highest concentration of canyons, with routes wellknown all over the world and with some interesting new ones. This year the Meeting will be organized with the collaboration of the Rescue Team of the CNSAS of the Ossola valley and its theme will be "Rescue and Self-Rescue in Canyon", with the aim of spreading more and more of the culture of safety, essential for those who practice our sport.
Domodossola, 2018
Where and when
The event will take place from Saturday August 4th till Sunday August 12th 2018 and we'll be host by the city of Domodossola, in the Verbano-Cusio-Ossola province, in the Ossola Valley, one of the few sites in Italy to offer a canyoning heritage made up of many equipped canyons, several recently explored routes and much more to explore.
To Google Maps Domodossola follow this link: map of Domodossola
Like in 2013, the base camp will be settled at the area of the
Cooperativa Sociale La Prateria, in Regione Nosere; below you will find a detailed map plus some logistics information.
Like in the past few years we have incremental registration fees, earlier registration is cheaper and helps economically and logistically the organization team.
- First group: until June 17th
- canyoners: 35 €
- non canyoners: 16 €
- Second group: from June 18th to July 8th
- canyoners: 42 €
- non canyoners: 16 €
- Third group: from July 9th onward and at the Raduno
- canyoners: 50 €
- non canyoners: 16 €
Online registrations will close on May 29
th, after that date it will only be possible to register directly in Domodossola.
The registration fee includes:
- Free access to the meeting areas
- Tent or camper place (no service) in designated areas
- Guidebook to the routes in the area
- Dedicated t-shirt of the meeting
- Technical gadget
For “non canyoners”, people who do not practice canyoning, the fee only includes the access to the meeting areas and facilities.
Registration procedure
To register for the Raduno you need to fill out the online form and pay the dues within 3 days from the registration date.
Follow these instructions:
register directly in Domodossola
Calendar of the events
The schedule of the events will be defined and communicated as soon as possible
Il campo base è situato presso l'area della Cooperativa Sociale La Prateria, presso Regione Nosere.
clicca sulla mappa per ingrandirla
Indicazioni stradali
Arrivando da Milano/Torino/Genova
Percorrendo l'autostrada A26 in direzione Gravellona Toce, continuare sulla SS33 in direzione Domodossola/Sempione. Superare la prima uscita di Domodossola e uscire alla seconda uscita per 'Domodossola'. Alla rotonda prendere la seconda uscita, sempre in direzione di Domodossola. Dopo 20m girare a sinistra all'incrocio con il bar Nosere, allo stop girare a sinistra e poi prendere la prima strada sulla destra.
Arrivando dal confine Svizzero
Prendere la prima uscita 'Domodossola', alla rotonda prendere la seconda uscita in direzione di Domodossola. Dopo 20m girare a sinistra all'incrocio con il bar Nosere, allo stop girare a sinistra e poi prendere la prima strada sulla destra.
Il campo tende è situato presso un'area verde accanto alla Cooperativa Sociale La Prateria e sarà disponibile dalla sera dalle 10.00 di sabato 4 alle 15.00 di domenica 12 agosto.
All'interno della Prateria ci saranno uno spazio espositivo, il bar e l'area comune coperta che sarà utilizzata come mensa, spazio per riunioni e conferenze e luogo di incontro.
Sarà disponibile una rete wi-fi libera presso l'area comune. La segreteria è ubicata all'interno del salone espositivo.
Nei pressi del campo tende saranno adibiti gli spazi a parcheggio per camper e furgoni e quello per le auto.
La segreteria sarà aperta nei seguenti orari: 7.30-9.15, 18.00-20.15.
The canyons
The above list is not definitive since some of these canyons might become restricted, flooded, or be altered in such a way to become inaccessible.
We encourage the participants to check the updated list of canyons posted by the staff directly at the event.
Val Bognanco
- Rio Rasiga
- Rio Variola superiore
- Rio Deseno
- Rio della Valletta
Val d'Ossola
- Ogliana di Quarata
- Rio delle Rovine
- Rio di Prata
- Rio del Ponte
- Rio Crot (o del Teu)
Valle Anzasca
- Rio Mondelli
- Val Bianca
- Val Segnara
- Val Rosenza
- Torrente Croto
- Valle Moriana
Val Grande e Val Cannobin
- Rio Crealla e Rio Orasso
- Rio Marona e Rio Pogallo
- Rio Bignugno
- Val Grand
- Rio Margologio
Valle Antigorio e Val Devero
- Rio Antolina
- Val d'Agaro
- Rio d'Alba
- Rio di Foppiano
Val Vigezzo e Valle Isorno
- Torrente Isorno inferiore
- Isorno superiore e Nocca
- Rio Antoliva
The canyons on the web
At the the local gym there will be an area dedicated to tecnichal products and gear, open every day from 6 pm to 8 pm.
Technical course by SNC
A technical course of APPROACH TO CANYONING, will be held during the meeting, organized by SNC (National Canyoning School by AIC), dates and details still to be define
Contacts and info
For any information related to the Raduno (regarding canyoning or the merchandise sale) please contact:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A contact phone number will be soon available too.
Category: Raduno 2018