• Gole del Raganello
    Gole del Raganello Cosenza | Italia :: ph. Luca D'Alba
  • Ha Canyon
    Ha Canyon Creta | Grecia :: ph. Luca Dallari
  • Rio Sarcerei
    Rio Sarcerei Nuoro | Italia :: ph. Emanuele Nurra
  • Rio di Foppiano
    Rio di Foppiano Verbania | Italia :: ph. Erwin Kob
  • Val Progero
    Val Progero Ticino | Svizzera :: ph. Mirko Antonioli
  • Torrente Saitta
    Torrente Saitta Messina | Italia :: ph. Michele Di Bella
  • Clue d'Amen
    Clue d'Amen Alpes-Maritimes | Francia :: ph. Manuela Esposito
  • Fosso Pito
    Fosso Pito Ascoli Piceno | Italia :: ph. Pietro Torellini
  • Rio San Matteo
    Rio San Matteo Brescia | Italia :: ph. Ugo Peroglio
  • Valle Usella
    Valle Usella Verbania | Italia :: ph. Roberto Schenone
  • Torrente Casenda
    Torrente Casenda Sondrio | Italia :: ph. Mirco Rossi
  • Ogliana Quarata
    Ogliana Quarata Verbania | Italia :: ph. Guido Armaroli
  • Val Bianca
    Val Bianca Domodossola | Italia :: ph. Paolo Giannelli
  • Torrente Saitta
    Torrente Saitta Messina | Italia :: ph. Michele Di Bella
  • Torrente Baes
    Torrente Baes Brescia | Italia :: ph. Ugo Peroglio
  • Otxi Mdinare
    Otxi Mdinare Colchide | Georgia :: ph. Francesco Radicchi
  • Bras Rouge
    Bras Rouge Ile de la Réunion :: ph. Federico Maggiani
  • Takamaka Canyon
    Takamaka Canyon Ile de la Réunion :: ph. Manuel Aragón
  • Lodrino inferiore
    Lodrino inferiore Ticino | Svizzera :: ph. Roberto Schenone
  • Portela Canyon
    Portela Canyon Creta | Grecia :: ph. Luca Dallari
Scuola Nazionale Canyoning Progetto ProCanyon Shop Online Catasto delle forre italiane AIC Wiki - l'enciclopedia del torrentismo by AIC AIC tivi su Yotube - i video dei soci Info Canyon by AIC - il forum di torrentismo in Italia Pagina Facebook - Associazione Italiana Canyoning

Bandiera italiana      


August 5-12, 2017


Can you remember in the 2012 one of the best International Meeting ever made by AIC? We were in Delebio, Valtellina, we filled up with participants, canyons and food.
Well, this summer we'll be there once again, in Delebio, into the framework of Valtellina, Val Chiavenna and Alto Lario.
A land which represents one of the highest concentrations of superlatives canyoning itineraries worldwide, settled in the middle of the canyoning territories of Europe.
We will carry on the tradition of a common thread of the AIC meeting, this year we will talk about exploration.
So, next August 5th, let's meet in  canyon or at the bar or in town, in Delebio anyway.

Delebio, anno di canyoning 2017.

thanks to
Comune di Delebio

Logo del Comune di delebio



Torna su

The event will take place from Saturday August 5th till Sunday August 13th 2017 and the Delebio village will host us, in the Sondrio province, at the gate of Valtellina.

To Google-map Delebio follow this link:
Delebio map

The headquarters will be at the green area in via Benedetto Cairoli, for a detailed map plus some logistics information use this link:
detailed map

We will have access to our dedicated area from Saturday 5th at 8am till Sunday 13th at noon, by then we need to clear up the areas kindly offered to us for the Raduno.


Torna su

Like in the past years we have incremental registration fees, earlier registration is cheaper and helps economically and logistically the organization team.

  • First group: before May 18th
    • Canyoners: 35
    • Non canyoners: 16 €
  • Second group: from May 19th to July 9th
    • Canyoners: 42 €
    • Non canyoners: 16 €
  • Third group: from July 10th onward
    • Canyoners: 50 €
    • Non canyoners: 16 €


Torna su

To register for the Raduno you need to fill out the online form and pay the dues within 3 days from the registration date.
Follow these instructions:

online registration

Attention! The online registrations will be open until July 31th 2017
After this date you'll be able to register only at the event, from August 5th (with the third group rates).
Reminder: to complete the registration you have THREE days to pay your dues.

If you couldn't complete the payment procedure via PayPal, you can make a bank transfer to the following account:

IBAN: IT 31 R 02008 01400 000103520726
UniCredit Bank, bank account made out to Associazione Italiana Canyoning
Indicate the reason "AIC meeting 2017", and the order number given with the online registration.

In case of problems, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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The schedule of the events will be defined and communicated as soon as possible


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The tents field is on a green area in Via Benedetto Cairoli, click here for a detailed map with some logistics information.
The camper and van parking will be near the tents field.
At 100m from the tents field there's the car parking.

By the tents field you find also an infrastructure serving as kitchen-bar and a spacious pavilion with a large seating capacity, where the participants can enjoy the local delicious food served by the Ristorante Domingo.

Next to the kitchen there is a small service bathroom.

At just 150m from the tents area, in Via S. Giovanni Bosco, there's the local gym where we will have access to the locker rooms bathrooms and showers.

In the gym there is also a room for possible meetings/presentations.


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Works in progress


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The above list is not definitive since some of these canyons might become restricted, flooded, or be altered in such a way to become inaccessible.
We encourage the participants to check the updated list of canyons posted by the staff directly at the event.

Province of Sondrio

  • Bodengo 1, 2, 3

  • Bondasca

  • Bondone

  • Casenda

  • Cervio

  • Cormor

  • Cascate del Ferro

  • Lesina

  • Madrasco

  • Mengasca

  • Pilotera

  • Armisa

  • Caronella

  • Lemma

  • Malgina

  • Masino

  • Pedena

  • Rogna

  • Val Piccola

  • Lanterna

  • Mello

  • Forcola

  • Venina

  • Livrio

  • Bomino

  • Ranciga

Province of Lecco

  • Acquaduro

  • Val Boazzo - Torrente Caldone

  • Esino Superiore

  • Esino Inferiore - Orrido di Vezio

  • Val Monastero

  • Gallavesa

  • Legnone

  • Moregallo

  • Forra di Morterone

  • Rasga

Province of Como

  • Bares

  • Camoggia

  • Val Darengo - Torrente Borgo

  • Lirone

  • Perlana

  • Cairo

  • Val Cavargna - Torrente Cuccio

  • Giuf

  • Rezzo

  • Santa Giulia


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At the the local gym there will be an area dedicated to companies that will exhibit their products, open every day from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Approach to canyoning course

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Per info e iscrizioni cliccare sul link qui sotto:
A technical course of APPROACH TO CANYONING, will be held during the meeting, organized by SNC (National Canyoning School by AIC), on August 5th and 6th, based at the Meeting area. The Director will be Romy Siegl.

For info and subscriptions click on the link below:

Corso SNC 1722


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Work in progress


Torna su

For any information related to the Raduno (regarding canyoning or the merchandise sale) please contact:
Guido Armaroli
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The reception will be open from August 5th to August 12th from 8am to 10am and from 5,30pm to 7,30pm.

Category: Raduno 2017

In casa nostra

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8