• Valle Usella
    Valle Usella Verbania | Italia :: ph. Roberto Schenone
  • Rio Margherita
    Rio Margherita Bolzano | Margherita :: ph. Erwin Kob
  • Rio Sarcerei
    Rio Sarcerei Nuoro | Italia :: ph. Emanuele Nurra
  • Otxi Mdinare
    Otxi Mdinare Colchide | Georgia :: ph. Francesco Radicchi
  • Gole del Raganello
    Gole del Raganello Cosenza | Italia :: ph. Luca D'Alba
  • Rio San Matteo
    Rio San Matteo Brescia | Italia :: ph. Ugo Peroglio
  • Gocta Falls
    Gocta Falls Bongarà | Perù :: ph. Nitu Moreno
  • Gole del Raganello
    Gole del Raganello Cosenza | Italia :: ph. Luca D'Alba
  • Volarja Canyon
    Volarja Canyon Tolmin | Slovenia :: ph. Michele Zanin
  • Rio di Foppiano
    Rio di Foppiano Verbania | Italia :: ph. Erwin Kob
  • Portela Canyon
    Portela Canyon Creta | Grecia :: ph. Luca Dallari
  • Takamaka Canyon
    Takamaka Canyon Ile de la Réunion :: ph. Manuel Aragón
  • Torrente Iragna
    Torrente Iragna Ticino | Svizzera :: ph. Lorenzo Cociani
  • Torrente Saitta
    Torrente Saitta Messina | Italia :: ph. Michele Di Bella
  • Clue d'Amen
    Clue d'Amen Alpes-Maritimes | Francia :: ph. Manuela Esposito
  • Torrente Casenda
    Torrente Casenda Sondrio | Italia :: ph. Mirco Rossi
  • Val Progero
    Val Progero Ticino | Svizzera :: ph. Mirko Antonioli
  • Val Progero
    Val Progero Ticino | Svizzera :: ph. Mirko Antonioli
  • Fosso Pito
    Fosso Pito Ascoli Piceno | Italia :: ph. Pietro Torellini
  • Barrosas Canyon
    Barrosas Canyon Flores | Azzorre :: ph. Anna Custo
Scuola Nazionale Canyoning Progetto ProCanyon Shop Online Catasto delle forre italiane AIC Wiki - l'enciclopedia del torrentismo by AIC AIC tivi su Yotube - i video dei soci Info Canyon by AIC - il forum di torrentismo in Italia Pagina Facebook - Associazione Italiana Canyoning

Summer 2016, heading North East, go back to Friuli between the Carnic and the Julian Alps, guests of the municipality of Moggio Udinese, from Saturday July, 30th till Sunday, August 7th.

We will be in the area with the most beautiful canyons of Friuli, but if that's not enough, know that, given the strategic proximity to Slovenia and Austria, some of the routes that will be "included" in the meeting will be beyond the border, in the Triglav area in Slovenia and in Carinthia and East Tyrol in Austria. Hence the name of the event, "Three Borders."

Six years after the meeting Chiusaforte 2009 we finally return to Friuli, thanks to the work of CanyonEast group (www.canyoneast.it) and to the hospitality of the municipality of Moggio Udinese that will make available all the different areas required for the event logistics, camping areas, secretarial, meeting place, meeting and projections room, exhibitor stands.

As usual, the event will last for 9 days during which there will be meetings, workshops, video shows and an international video contest.

It will be a good opportunity to go cnayoning in the Friulian territory, find out what Slovenia and Austria offer and have a sliwowitz chatting about water, rock and ropes.

Here below all the useful info about the meeting, see you in Moggio Udinese!

Thanks to





Comune di Moggio Udinese

 Progetto Sportland FVG

Parco Dolomiti Friulane

Parco PreAlpi Giulie





Quick links

Where and when
Registration | Rates
Registration procedure
The canyons
Video contest
Logistical info
1st level canyoning course
Hotels and B&B
Info and contacts

Where and when

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The event will take place from Saturday Juli 30th to Sunday August 7th 2015 and we will be hosted by the City of Moggio Udinese, in the province of Udine. Follow the link here below to view it on Google Maps:
Moggio Udinese map

The access to the area will be allowed from Saturday 30th 08:00 am to Sunday 7th 11:59 am. By then all the areas should be cleared.

Registration | Rates

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Registration fees are the same as last year, divided into cost brackets that grow approaching the starting date of the meeting: the sooner you sign up the less you pay and, furthermore, you will help economically and logistically the organization staff.
  • first group: before May 29th
    • all canyoners: 35 €
    • non canyoners: 16 €
  • second group: from May 30th till June 26th
    • all canyoners: 42 €
    • non canyoners: 16 €
  • third group: from June 27th till the beginning of the meeting
    • all canyoners: 50 €
    • non canyoners: 16 €

Registration procedure

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To register for the meeting you need to fill out the online form and pay the dues within 3 days from the registration date.
Follow these instructions

online registration

If you couldn't complete the payment procedure via PayPal, you can make a bank transfer to the following account:

IBAN: IT 31 R 02008 01400 000103520726
UniCredit Bank, bank account made out to Associazione Italiana Canyoning
Indicate the reason "AIC meeting 2016", and the order number given with the online registration.

In case of problems, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The canyons

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  • Favarinis
  • Chiampeit
  • Pissanda
  • Tralba
  • Rio Nero / Cerni Patok
  • Cuestis
  • Simon
  • Brezzi
  • Lavarie
  • Belepeit
  • Mulin
  • Patoc
  • Macile
  • Lis Cladis / Lis Impresis
  • Frondizzon
  • Pliz
  • Malinberg
  • Lomming
  • Sbrici
  • Leale
  • Chiantone
  • Ambruseit
  • Pichions / Vinadia
  • Novarza / Lumiei
  • La Foce
  • Vieila
  • Cosa
  • Ciolesan
  • Zemola
  • Ciorosolin
  • Stuet
  • Globoski Potok
  • Susec
  • Fratarica
  • Predelica
  • Kozjak
  • Brusnik / Rocjca
  • Volarja
  • Steinerne Rinne
  • Silberbach
  • Frauenbach
  • Roetenbach

Schedule of the meeting

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The schedule is not definitive and may be subject to modifications.

Saturday 30th ore 6:00 pm
Opening of the meeting with organizers and local Authorities
Sunday 31st ore 7:00 pm
Themed event
Monday 1st ore 20:00 pm
Event organized by SNC (National Canyoning School by AIC)
Tuesday 2nd ore 8:00 pm
Themed event
Wednesday 3rd ore 8:00 pm
Video show about pollution from plastic in the Adriatic Sea, by Eugenio Fogli
Thursday 04th evening
Event organized by the Municipality of Moggio Udinese
Friday 5th ore 8:00 pm
Showing of the movies participating in the "International Video Contest"
Saturday 6th ore 7:00 pm
Final dinner for all participants, on reservation, video contest awards, live music with the Mad Scramble
Sunday 7th h 12:00 am
The meeting ends

International video contest

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Video contest

The contest is open to all, to non-members of the 14th AIC International Canyoning Meeting as well.
The registration to the contest is free.

  • Will be admitted only videos with a maximum duration of 5' and a minimum resolution of 720 x 1028 pixels
  • The artworks should be delivered to the organization of the Meeting within July 15th 2016; delivery modes are specified in the regulation
  • The videos will be evaluated by a qualified jury, the winner will be awarded with an "action cam" offered by AIC
  • The winner will be announced during the final evening of the meeting, on Saturday, August 6th 2016
  • During the 14th AIC International Canyoning Meeting, the top videos will be shown to the audience at the conference centre of Moggio Udinese
  • No videos will be accepted if containing footage or images not related to canyoning or contrary to the ethical and safety canons of AIC
Download the regulation
For further information please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Logistical info

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The event will take place in the city of Moggio Udinese (UD), located on different areas.
Click on the map below to enlarge it

Raduno 2016 - area

The Meeting Office and the areas for parking, tents and campers are accessible by the SP112 road (blue arrow); in the village center, close to the office, there are the exhibitors area, the conference room, the bar for breakfast and the local market. Showers and restrooms are at the entry of the village, on the South side. Currently there is no planned meal services for dinners, only on the last night there will be the event's closing dinner.


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In the village center, close to the Meeting Office and the conference room, there will be an area dedicated to companies that will exhibit their products.

1st level canyoning course | by SNC

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During the meeting, from July 31 to August 4, the SNC (National Canyoning School) by AIC will held a CANYONING COURSE of 1st LEVEL, based at the area of the Meeting. The course will be directed by the instructor Romy Siegl.

For info and registration
click on the link below:
Corso SNC 1606

Hotels and B&B

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Moggio Udinese

Albergo Leon Bianco
Piazza Uffici, 4
tel +39 0433 51114 / fax +39 0433 51990
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Locanda San gallo
Piazzetta Sandro Pertini, 2
tel +39 0433 550318 / +39 349 6142391
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Albergo Nuovo
Via alla Chiesa, 17
tel +39 0433 511090 / fax +39 0433 550700

Residence Bed&Bike
Via Valsassina, 15
tel +39 0433 550318
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Affittacamere Villa Rodolfi
Via Abbazia, 30
tel +39 320 8019820

4 km > Ovedasso

B&B Rosa dei venti
Fraz. Ovedasso n. 68
tel +39 340 7811178 / +39 3496908484
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

5 Km > Resiutta

Albergo Canin
Viale Udine, 7/9
tel +39 0433 51210
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6 Km > Località Carnia

Hotel Carnia
Via Canal del Ferro, 28 - Stazione Carnia
tel +39 0432 978013 / fax + 39 0432 978187
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12 Km > Chiusaforte

Albergo Martina
Via Roma, 38
tel +39 0433 52214
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Affittacamere dal Nini
Via della Stazione
tel +39 347 2415844

12,5 Km > Venzone

Albergo Da Michele
Via Pontebbana, 20
tel/fax +39 0432 985045
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Agriturismo Casali Scjs
Strada Scjs, 1
tel +39 0432 985282 / tel +39 329 2836463
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18 Km > Tolmezzo

Albergo Diffuso Tolmezzo 
Piazza XX Settembre 7
tel +39 0433 41613 / +39 331 8028383
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Discounts for the participants to the Meeting

Info and contacts

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For any information relating to the event, both for canyoners and exhibitors, please contact:

Sebastiano Broili, Tommaso Pinat and Cristian Vogrig
e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For the entire duration of the meeting, the secretariat mobile will be active +39 331 8769608

Category: Raduni

In casa nostra

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