Egna/Neumarkt (BZ) | 03-11 August 2024



It was 2020 when we first tried to organise the AIC International Meeting in South Tyrol. The pandemic forced us to give up, but the idea of finally bringing this event to those beautiful places and the desire to reveal to the canyoning community its several canyons were still strong and such remained in the following years.

Thanks to the stubbornness and tenacity of our South Tyrolean members, we can finally see this project realized.

This edition will therefore be an important event, which will take place in a new context, full of surprises and which will allow all its participants to experience the renowned South Tyrolean hospitality and to explore itineraries that are still little known, but of unparalleled charm.

Do not just expect canyoning, from our logistics base you can cool off with a dip in the pool, ice skate in the height of summer, enjoy breathtaking views by renting an e-bike, or by walking on a hiking trail in the nearby Dolomites, visit 4 museums of the king of the 8000 Reinhold Messner and much more! Let yourself be surprised!

under the patronage of
Comune di Egna/Neumarkt

Comune di Egna

Where and when

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The event will take place from Saturday August 3th to Sunday August 11th 2024 and we will be guests of the Municipality of Egna/Neumarkt, in the province of Bolzano.
Click on the link below to see where we will be located:

map of Egna/Neumarkt

It will be possible to access the area reserved for us from 08:00 on Saturday 3th August to 12:00 on Sunday 11th August, the deadline by which all available spaces must be vacated.

Registration and Rates

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Here below the registration rates, as usual diversified according to whether you are AIC members or not and divided by cost brackets, increasing as the starting date of the meeting approaches: the sooner you register the less you pay and help the staff economically and logistically.

  • First bracket: until 22/06/2024

    • AIC members: 30 €
    • canyoners: 40 €
    • non canyoners: 18 €
  • Second bracket: from 23/06/2024 till 27/07/2024

    • AIC members: 35 €
    • canyoners: 45 €
    • non canyoners: 18 €
  • Third bracket: only at the Meeting Office in Egna

    • AIC members: 40 €
    • canyoners: 55 €
    • non canyoners: 18 €

Online registrations will close on Saturday July 27th 2024, after that date it will only be possible to register directly in Egna.
The registration fee includes:

  • free access to the meeting areas
  • place for tents or vans/campers (no service) in the designated areas
  • guide book to the canyons of the area
  • dedicated t-shirt of the event
  • surprise gadget
For “non canyoners”, people who do not practice canyoning, the fee only includes the access to the meeting areas and facilities.

Registration Procedure

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To register for the meeting, please fill in the online form and pay the fee within 3 days after registration (for each request, a maximum of 6 people can be registered).
The online form can be found at this link:

Registration to the AIC Meeting 2024

Note: online registrations will be open until 27/07/2024
After that date it will be possible to register only at the meeting, from 29/07/2024 (applying the fees relative to the third period). We remind you that the registration is automatically accepted with the submission of the form and that the payment guarantees the reservation of free materials. For payment by bank transfer, always indicate as reason of the transfer “AIC Meeting 2024" and the email address used to complete the online form.

In case of issues during registration or payment, send an email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


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The meeting will take place in the municipality of Egna/Neumarkt (BZ), at the municipal sports field.
Here below an image of the area hosting the Meeting (click on the image to enlarge it)

Under Construction Immagini - Sfoglia 331,880 foto, vettoriali e video  Stock | Adobe Stock

The meeting area includes the secretariat, common area, exhibitor area, toilets and showers, parking and areas for tents and campers; it is accessible from the A22, Egna/Ora/Termeno motorway exit and continuing along the SS12.
The usual final dinner of the event will take place on the evening of Saturday August 10th, and will be open to all participants. On-site reservation in the secretariat required.

The meeting office will be open at the following times: 7.00-9.15, 17.30-19.30

The canyons

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The below list is not definitive since some of these canyons might become restricted, flooded, or be altered in such a way to become inaccessible.
We encourage the participants to check for updated and communications given by the staff during at the event.

Bassa Atesina

Rio Favogna / Fennerbach
Cascata di Salorno / Titschenbach

Val d'Adige

Rio Margherita / Rienzn Bach
Rio Meltina / Möltener Bach
Rio Eschio / Aschlbach
Rio Sinigo Superiore
Rio Sinigo Intermedio
Rio Sinigo Inferiore

Piana Rotaliana

Valle Fredda
Val del Piaget
Burrone di Mezzocorona
Val del Ri
Rio Leno
Rio della Netta

Val Passiria

Fartleis Bach
Rio della Fossa + Rio della Clav


Canyon Malga Sorgazza
Forra del Grigno

Stelvio/Val senales

Rio Trafoi / Trafoier Bach
Valle dei Vitelli
Rio delle Fosse / Pfossentalbach

Val di Fleres

Rio Kog / Koggraben
Rio Fleres / Pflercherebach

Val Pusteria

Rio Neves / Nevesbach
Rio Nero / Schwarzbach

Val Isarco

Rio Ganda / Gonder Bach
Pontelletto / Puntleiderbach

Ala Avio

Vajo dell'Orsa





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Inside the area, technical equipment stands will be open every day from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm.

Contacts and info

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For any information concerning the meeting, both for canyoners and exhibitors, send an email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Categoria: Notizie